Robert Greenberg

Historian, Composer, Pianist, Speaker, Author

The Robert Greenberg Blog

Robert Greenberg and the Alexander String Quartet

Music History Monday: A Blast Of Energy

September 19th, 2016
For nine wonderful years – from 1992-2001 – I was on the faculty of something called the “Andersen Executive Program”, or “AEP”. Three or four times a summer, various partners from the accounting, auditing, and consulting firm of Arthur Andersen gathered in some extraordinary place for a week to talk about the current issues facing…

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Music History: Robert Schumann and Clara Wieck

Music History Monday: A Very Long Engagement!

September 12th, 2016
176 years ago today – on September 12, 1840 – one of the most tortuous, profanity-inducing, potentially violent, legally drawn out courtships ended when the composer Robert Schumann and the pianist Clara Wieck were married in Schönefeld, just northeast of Leipzig. The person to blame for all the tsuris was Friedrich Wieck, Clara’s father. He…

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Anton Diabelli

Music History Monday Blogs for San Francisco Performances

September 6th, 2016
In my capacity as Music-Historian-in-Residence for San Francisco Performances (SFP), I will be writing a weekly blog called "Music History Monday" for the SFP Facebook page. Being a firm believer in doing double-duty, I will be posting these blogs on my page as well, though I would encourage to visit (and follow!) the SFP Facebook…

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The Break It Down Show

Robert Greenberg Returns to the Break It Down Show

August 29th, 2016
The Break It Down Show hosts Robert Greenberg after the recent launch of the new The Great Courses series “Music as a Mirror of History”:

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Out Now: Music as a Mirror of History

July 29th, 2016
My thirtieth course for The Great Courses/The Teaching Company, “Music as a Mirror of History”, was released on Friday, July 22. (My friend Ed Leon - the Chief Brand Officer for The Great Courses – and I have a running dispute regarding how many courses I’ve made for TGC. Ed insists the number is twenty-eight,…

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Robert Greenberg The Torch Live Interview

On The Torch Live with Ed Leon

July 11th, 2016
As I mentioned in my post of July 1, my next The Great Courses/Teaching company course – “Music as a Mirror of History” – is scheduled for release on Friday, July 22nd. It was recorded in January and February of this year and has been in post-production since. Since it's my gob that's on display…

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The Sinful Right Shoulder

Announcing New Courses!

July 1st, 2016
[caption id="attachment_1639" align="alignright" width="225"] A photo taken of my sinful right shoulder by our house paprazza, my nine year-old daughter Lily.[/caption] A drum roll (okay; perhaps just an onion roll): announcing the upcoming releases of my latest Great Courses survey and my first webcast courses, what I will now refer to as “webcourses”. It’s been…

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Robert Greenberg and Eighth Blackbird

Celebrating With Eighth Blackbird

February 16th, 2016
[caption id="attachment_1629" align="alignright" width="300"] Yours truly with Eighth Blackbird yesterday on the stage of Berkeley's Hertz Hall. (FYI: I'm not really that short. They are all really tall!)[/caption]The amazing Chicago-based new music group eighth blackbird played a concert in Berkeley's Hertz Hall yesterday evening (Sunday, February 14th). At the invitation of the group's Managing Director…

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Music as a Mirror of History

Recording Music as a Mirror of History

January 29th, 2016
Photos from the recording session from my upcoming course for The Great Courses — Music as a Mirror of History: [gallery type="rectangular" ids="1623,1620,1621,1622,1624"]

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Top Audible Best Sellers

Two Top Audible Best Sellers!

December 9th, 2015
[gallery type="square" size="medium" ids="1608,1604"] My apologies up front for this entirely gratuitous, self-serving, pat-myself-and-The-Great-Courses-on-the-back entry, but this sort of thing does not happen very often (at least not to me), so I'm making hay while I can. has just released its current "best seller" non-fiction audio books list, and two of my pieces -…

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