Robert Greenberg

Historian, Composer, Pianist, Speaker, Author

“The 23 Greatest Solo Piano Works” Series to be shown for FREE in Chatham, NJ

Every now and then a friend sends along a link like this one, indicating that one of my The Teaching Company/Great Courses surveys is being publicly screened. According to the article, from the Chatham (New Jersey) Courier, my DVD series “The 23 Greatest Piano Solo Works” is being shown (free of charge) at the Senior Center of the Chathams starting on Monday, January 6.

Now that’s what I’m talking about! And much as I’d wish that each-and-every-one of the fine folks who watch the series had paid full retail for it, I am, in truth, thrilled by this sort of thing. Dissemination, dispersion, and diffusion: we cannot glory in and celebrate our wonderful musical heritage too much and that is what I’d like to believe my courses are all about. Besides, should I ever find myself in Chatham, N.J. without a date, this should improve my chances of linking up with someone exponentially, provided that she is okay with hanging out with a younger guy.