Dr. Bob Prescribes Switched-On Bach
We pick back up where we left off in yesterday’s Music History Monday post, with the techno-wizard and American maverick-styled inventor Robert Moog’s education. Robert Moog (1934-2005), Continued Moog with his parents in 1957, the year he graduated with dual bachelor’s degrees in electrical engineering (from Columbia University) and physics (from Queen’s College) Having graduated…

Music History Monday: Where is the “Sin” in “Synthesizer?: Robert Moog and “Synthetic” Sound
Robert Moog (1934-2005) We mark the death on August 21, 2005 – 18 years ago today – of the American engineer and electronic music pioneer Robert Moog. Born in New York City on May 23, 1934, he died of a brain tumor in Asheville, North Carolina, at the age of 71. First things first: let…

Dr. Bob Prescribes: The Beatles 1
In Six, Short Years! The Beatles in 1964 (if you need me to tell you their names, you’re too darn young!) Yesterday’s Music History monday post concluded by observing that in the six short years between 1964 and 1970, the Beatles amassed a total of 20 number one songs on the Billboard Hot 100 Chart,…

Music History Monday: Worst. Timing. Ever
If physical appearance had been the criterion, and not the ability to play the drums . . . On August 14, 1962 – 61 years ago today – the manager of the Beatles Brian Epstein made a phone call to the drummer Ringo Starr, inviting him to join the band. As I suspect we are…

Dr. Bob Prescribes: Gustav Mahler, Symphony No. 2 “Resurrection”
Yesterday’s Music History Monday post was all about auctions; specifically, auctions of Elvis Presley memorabilia. As we observed yesterday, the most expensive piece of Elvis memorabilia sold to date that isn’t a gold Rolex watch is Presley’s 1942 Martin D-18 guitar, Serial Number 80221, which was auctioned off for $1,320,000 August 1, 2020. As I…

Music History Monday: All Hail The King!
Elvis Presley (1935-1977) wearing his peacock jumpsuit in concert, circa 1974 We mark an online auction that concluded on August 7, 2008 – 15 years ago today – at which Elvis Presley’s white, sweat-stained, high-collared, plunging V-necked jumpsuit, decorated with a dazzling, hand-embroidered blue and gold peacock – sold for $300,000. (Because I know you…

Dr. Bob Prescribes The Buddy Rich Big Band
Yesterday’s Music History Monday was generally about nepo (as in “nepotism”) babies: “the children of celebrities who have succeeded in the same or adjacent career as their celebrity parents or other esteemed relatives. The implication is that, because their parents already had connections to an industry, the child was able to use those connections to…

Music History Monday: Nepo Babies
Before we get to the actual date-related topic for today, I beg your indulgence, as I need to tell you a story. It’s a story that most of you know, at least in part. Again, indulge me. A partial reunion of the stars of The Godfather films I and II in 2017, on the 45th…

Dr. Bob Prescribes Ernest Bloch: Sacred Service
Ernest Bloch (1880-1959) at the age of 37 in 1917 The composer, conductor, pianist, violinist, watercolorist, photographer, and teacher Ernest Bloch (1880-1959) was born 143 years ago yesterday in Geneva, Switzerland. He grew up in a middle-class household; his father Maurice Bloch was a merchant and his mother Sophie (née Brunschwig) was a highly cultured,…

Music History Monday: Ernest Bloch
Ernest Bloch (1880-1959) circa 1950 We mark the birth on July 24, 1880 – 143 years ago today – of the Swiss-born American composer and educator Ernest Bloch, who was born in Geneva, Switzerland. He died in Portland, Oregon, on July 15, 1959, at the age of 78. Establishing a Genealogy People trace their family…