Robert Greenberg

Historian, Composer, Pianist, Speaker, Author

Archive for Klatch

Join me on Klatch on May 18, 2022

I have joined up with a wonderful new operation called “Klatch,” which means, literally, “a gathering characterized usually by informal conversation.” Klatch’s mission statement: “Klatch is an all-in-one platform for live, highly interactive workshops across every topic. Our Facilitators are building unique communities for curious, life-long learners who are interested in taking up a new hobby, pursuing personal growth, or seeking professional development.” I will be just such a “Facilitator”, doing live, 90-minute music presentations via zoom.  My actual content will typically run roughly 75 minutes, which will leave time for interaction: questions, comments, huzzahs, and the like.  (Perhaps someone can create an app allowing cyber tomatoes and cabbages to be hurled in case of dissatisfaction?  Just a suggestion.) Here is a link to the Klatch website and a description of my initial workshop, “Music as a Mirror.”  It will be held on Wednesday, May 18, at 6:30 pm Eastern time; 3:30 pm Pacific.   My initial workshops will be one-offs like this one, though over time I/we intend to offer two, three, and four-session workshops: “course-lets” (as distinct from “corsets”), if you will. Because of the interactive nature of the workshops, enrollment will be, initially, capped, so do sign up sooner […]

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