I began blogging about a year-and-a-half ago. I was working with a publicist at the time that in turn worked with a vast number of sites. She would suggest topics to me and then place the blog with a subject-appropriate site. By far the majority of these pieces were “top ten” style pieces written for parenting sites: “the ten best pieces of music with which to put your child to sleep”; “the ten best ways to get your child interested in concert music”; “the ten best cocktails to drink while listening to your child practice the violin”, and so forth. However, my great early ambition as a blogger was to be published in the Huffington Post. Ah, Huff Post: edgy, hip and happening. And then there’s Arianna Stassinopoulos herself: smart, chic, articulate, beautiful; a published biographer (Maria Callas and Pablo Picasso), author and columnist; a liberal democrat turned conservative who married republican California congressman Michael Huffington and then swung back to the left after her divorce in ’97; media entrepreneur; and candidate for Governor of California in 2003. (During a campaign debate, Arnold Schwarzenegger famously but incorrectly told her: “Your personal income tax have the biggest loophole. I can drive […]
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