Monday’s Music History Monday post marked the birth, on June 27, 1859, of Mildred Jane Hill, who wrote the music to Happy Birthday to You. Thus, today’s Happy Birthday to You-themed Dr. Bob Prescribes post!
The “Book”
I have not a clue as to where or when I bought (or was given) the book that is the prescribed item for today’s post. I’ve had it for as long as I can remember, which means I had it before I moved to California in 1978. There is no price scribbled on its title page, so it’s unlikely that I bought it used. It might – might – have been given to me by my composition teacher Edward T. Cone when I graduated Princeton in 1976; I just don’t remember.
Whatever; here’s what “it” is. It is a souvenir of a concert and ball held at Philadelphia’s Academy of Music on January 24, 1970. The festivities marked three events: the 113th anniversary of the Academy of Music, the 70th anniversary of the founding of the Philadelphia Orchestra, and the 70th birthday of the Philadelphia Orchestra’s long-time music director, Eugene Ormandy (1889-1985).…
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